
Reiki is an energy healing technique that involves a Reiki master using gentle hand movements to guide the flow of healthy energy (what’s known in Reiki as “life force energy”) through the body to reduce stress and promote healing. Reiki can reduce daily stress and help with management of some chronic diseases.

Most of my clients come for Reiki when they are feeling depressed, anxious, overwhelmed, or experiencing some form of trauma. I have also had clients come for Reiki when they were ready to face trauma from their past, deal with sexual abuse, a painful break up or assisting with their sobriety.

It is safe for people going thru chemo and other medical issues. I will post a few articles about Reiki and you are more than welcome to do your own research.

My first experience with Reiki was with a Master, who became my teacher. I had so many questions and she told me to lay down and experience it for myself. It took me while to relax enough to feel the energy, but when I did it took me to a place of transformation.

I had been struggling with motherhood and entering the work space as a massage therapist. I was taking on other peoples energy and it was manifesting itself as physical pain in my body. The Reiki helped with the physical pain, but it also helped me tune into the Universe to find the answers I needed to create a healthy lifestyle.

Reiki is a mysterious and subtle energy, but in my years as a Reiki Master I have seen it make enormous changes in those who have accepted it into their life.

What is Reiki?

Reiki Energy Healing is a profound and holistic approach to promoting overall well-being and balance within the mind, body, and spirit. Rooted in ancient Japanese traditions, Reiki is centered on the belief that a universal life force energy flows through all living beings, influencing our vitality and health. Practitioners of Reiki harness this divine energy and serve as conduits, gently channeling it to recipients through their hands. This gentle, non-invasive touch activates the body's natural healing abilities, encouraging the release of stress, tension, and emotional blockages that may hinder inner harmony. Reiki strives to address imbalances on both physical and energetic levels, promoting a sense of relaxation, inner peace, and restored vitality. Embracing the concept of interconnectedness, Reiki encourages individuals to view their health as a reflection of the harmony between themselves and the universe, fostering a holistic and mindful journey towards optimal wellness. 

How Can Reiki Help?

Stress &



After a Reiki session, a person is likely to experience a profound sense of holistic well-being. The gentle and nurturing touch of the Reiki practitioner, combined with the flow of universal life force energy, creates a soothing and calming effect on the mind, body, and spirit. Recipients often report feeling deeply relaxed, with a release of pent-up tension and stress that may have accumulated over time. This newfound tranquility extends beyond the physical realm, as Reiki aims to balance the energetic centers within the body, known as chakras, promoting a harmonious flow of vital energy. As a result, individuals may feel a renewed sense of emotional stability, inner peace, and mental clarity. The holistic nature of Reiki encourages a deeper connection to one's spiritual essence, fostering a greater understanding of oneself and the world around them. Ultimately, after a Reiki session, one is likely to emerge with a heightened sense of vitality, a strengthened immune system, and an overall feeling of revitalization, setting the stage for continued personal growth and well-being in their holistic journey.

How Reiki will make you feel

Peaceful &


Reiki, with its holistic approach to healing, has been known to offer support and assistance in a wide range of issues across the mind, body, and spirit. On a physical level, Reiki can aid in alleviating pain and discomfort, promoting faster recovery from injuries or surgeries, and boosting the body's natural ability to heal itself. It may also help to manage symptoms of chronic illnesses or conditions. Emotionally, Reiki can be beneficial in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, while fostering a sense of emotional balance and resilience. By harmonizing the energetic centers within the body, Reiki can address imbalances that may manifest as emotional blockages or traumas. Spiritually, Reiki encourages a deeper connection to one's inner self and higher consciousness, providing a sense of purpose, clarity, and spiritual growth. Additionally, Reiki has been found to enhance the overall sense of well-being, improve sleep quality, and promote a positive outlook on life. Its holistic nature enables it to address the root causes of various issues, helping individuals on their journey toward healing, self-discovery, and overall wellness.

What issues can Reiki Can Help with?

Reiki restores

blocked energy

Booked as a series of 3 Sessions for a more complete healing experience, Booked as a series of 3 Sessions for a more complete healing experience.   Booked as a series of 3 Sessions for a more complete healing experience.  Booked as a series of 3 


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